COTLF is Hiring

- August 14th, 2023

We are seeking to immediately hire a Coordinator of Sacramental Records and Virtus. More details about the role are posted below. Interested applicants may send resumes and cover letters to Jorge Santibanez, Parish Life Coordinator. Coordinator of Sacramental Records and Virtus This person is directly responsible to the Parish Life Coordinator and is charged with …

13 de Agosto – XIX Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- August 11th, 2023

Mis Queridos Amigos: Ser misionero es una parte esencial de ser cristiano. En la Gran Comisión al final del evangelio de Mateo, Jesús les dice a sus discípulos y nos dice: “Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones… (Mateo 28:19).” Cada uno de nosotros está llamado a ser misioneros, a llevar a Cristo …

August 13th – XIX Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 11th, 2023

My Dear Friends: Being a missionary is an essential part of being a Christian. In the Great Commissioning at the end of gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples and tells us: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations… (MT 28:19).” Each of us are called to be missionaries, to bring Christ into the …

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

- August 4th, 2023

On Thursday, August 15th, the Universal Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mass Schedule for the Holy Day of Obligation is: Wednesday, August 14th 5:30pm Vigilia en Español Thursday, August 15th 6:15am, 8:00am, and 7:00pm in English 5:30pm en Español

High School Youth Group is Back!

- August 4th, 2023

The COTLF High School Youth Group is back, with weekly gatherings beginning again on Sunday, August 20th. Join us for Sunday Mass at 5:30pm and then head over to Comber Hall for some food, fellowship and fun! For more information about the youth group and how to get involved, contact Izzy Rennella or follow the …

Women’s Emmaus Praise & Worship Fundraiser

- August 4th, 2023

6 de Agosto – La Transfiguracion del Señor

- August 4th, 2023

August 6th – Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

- August 4th, 2023

World Youth Day 2023 – Miami Events

- July 28th, 2023