February 5th – V Sunday in Ordinary Time

- February 3rd, 2023

My Dear Friends, Last year our parish celebrated 114 weddings! What a gift! Since this is one the biggest ministries we have as a parish, I thought it would be only right, as we celebrate National Marriage Week, to speak about the vocation to marriage and allow an old friend to assist me.   When I …

Church of the Little Flower

First Saturday Devotion

- January 27th, 2023

Join a group of fellow parishioners in praying the rosary as part of the First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 7:00am on Saturday, February 4th inside the Church

29 de Enero – IV Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 27th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  Muchas gracias por su generosidad abrumadora durante el domingo del ABCD la semana pasada. Recibimos un apoyo fenomenal de nuestra campaña en el banco y estamos en camino de superar nuestra meta parroquial de $ 323,000. Si no estuvieron aquí el domingo pasado, los invito a ir a nuestro sitio web y …

January 29th – IV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 27th, 2023

My Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your overwhelming generosity during ABCD Sunday last week. We received phenomenal support from our in-pew appeal and are well on the way to surpassing our parish goal of $323,000. If you were not here last Sunday, I invite you to go on our website and watch the …

22 de Enero – III Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 21st, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  “¡Aquí estoy, Señor!”  La letra de esta canción que todos hemos escuchado siempre tira de nuestras fibras del corazón. La semana pasada, escuchamos esas palabras en el salmo responsorial. Son las palabras de un servidor que está dispuesto, listo y ansioso por hacer la voluntad de Dios. Esas palabras tienen un significado …

January 22nd – III Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 21st, 2023

My Dear Friends, “Here I Am, Lord!”  The words to this song that we have all heard always pull on our heartstrings.  Last week, we heard those words in the responsorial psalm. They are the words of a servant that is open, ready, and eager to do God’s will.  Those words have special meaning for …

15 de Enero – II Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- January 13th, 2023

Mis queridos amigos,  Este fin de semana le damos la bienvenida a nuestra parroquia a los jóvenes que representarán a la Arquidiócesis de Miami en la Marcha por la Vida del próximo viernes en Washington, D.C. He tenido el honor de ser el Director Espiritual / Capellán de la Marcha por la Vida de la …

January 15th – II Sunday in Ordinary Time

- January 13th, 2023

My Dear Friends, This weekend we welcome to our parish the young people who will be representing the Archdiocese of Maimi at next Friday’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. I have been honored to be the Archdiocese’s Spiritual Director/Chaplain for the March for Life since 2015. The young people among us come from our …

St. Thérèse’s 150th birthday  

- January 6th, 2023

This past Monday, January 2nd, marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of our patroness, St. Thérèse of Lisieux. During the joyous occasion of the 150th anniversary of St. Thérèse’s birth, recommit yourself to doing ordinary things with extraordinary love all year long. From helping a neighbor in need to volunteering your time, you can …