Hurricane Ian Relief Drive

- October 4th, 2022

Sound System Update

- September 29th, 2022

You may have noticed that the installation of our new speakers in the church has been completed. Though we are still awaiting delivery of the final components of the new church sound system, we were able to temporarily connect these new speakers to our existing equipment. Because of this change, we will be adjusting and …

2 de Octubre – XXVII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- September 29th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, “Entonces, ¿qué pasa ahora?” En junio pasado, la Corte Suprema finalmente revocó Roe v. Wade, una decisión que muchos de nosotros habíamos trabajado y orado mucho y duro para ver un cambio. En este primer Domingo de Respeto a la Vida de un mundo Post-Roe, no podemos evitar hacer la pregunta: “¿Qué …

October 2nd – XXVII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 29th, 2022

My Dear Friends, “So what happens now?” Last June, the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade, a decision that so many of us had worked and prayed long and hard to see overturn. On this first Respect Life Sunday of a Post-Roe world, we can’t help but ask the question, “what happens now?” Abortion …

Hurricane Ian Updates

- September 27th, 2022

Sept 29th Update: While the church and school offices are open, our phone/internet service is currently down. We hope to have service restored soon and apologize if you are having trouble contacting our office. Sept 28th Update: The Parish Office and St. Theresa School will re-open on Thursday, September 29th with regular hours. This includes …

IV International Eucharistic-Marian Congress: Oct 7-9, 2022

- September 22nd, 2022

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary invite you to our IV International Eucharistic – Marian Congress, “Be Not Afraid: The Two Hearts Will Triumph.”
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25 de Septiembre – XXVI Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- September 22nd, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, Una tarjeta de agradecimiento que no esperaba es la inspiración para la columna de hoy. El Club Serra me envió una tarjeta para agradecer a la parroquia por poner en marcha el Cáliz vocacional que describí en el boletín de la semana pasada. El Club Serra ha estado promoviendo vocaciones durante años …

September 25th – XXVI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 22nd, 2022

My Dear Friends, A thank you card that I was not expecting is the inspiration for today’s column. The Serra Club sent me a card to thank the parish for starting up the Vocations Chalice that I described in last week’s bulletin. The Serra Club has been promoting vocations for years in our Archdiocese and …

2022 St. Francis Blessing of the Animals

- September 22nd, 2022

On Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, we will host the annual ceremony for the blessing of animals. It will take place at 6:00pm in the big yard behind the church sacristy, along Sevilla Avenue. Each pet will be blessed with holy water and all families will be presented with a …