Church of the Little Flower

Catholic Cemeteries Memorial Day Masses

- May 19th, 2022

Fiol Studios Musical Theatre Summer Camp

- May 19th, 2022

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Church of the Little Flower

Men’s Rosary

- May 19th, 2022

Join us on Saturday, May 28th in praying the Rosary to venerate the Virgin Mary as our Mother and crown her as our Queen.
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22 de Mayo – VI Domingo de Pascua

- May 19th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos:  El domingo pasado, el padre Omar anunció en este espacio que el arzobispo Wenski lo ha nombrado como el nuevo administrador de St. Katherine Drexel en Weston. Si bien obviamente nos entristece perder a un sacerdote tan maravilloso, felicitamos al Padre Omar porque pronto se encargará de pastorear una parroquia, y le …

May 22nd – VI Sunday of Easter

- May 19th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Last Sunday, Father Omar announced in this space that Archbishop Wenski has appointed him as the new administrator of St. Katherine Drexel in Weston. While we are obviously saddened to lose such a wonderful priest, we congratulate Father Omar for soon he will be charged with shepherding a parish, and I thank …

May 15th – V Sunday of Easter

- May 13th, 2022

This weekend’s column is written by Fr. Omar Ayubi. Dear Family: In today’s Gospel the Lord is giving us an enormous responsibility. He is giving us a new commandment, as he did to his disciples during the Last Supper: “Love one another.” Furthermore, Jesus added an important thing right after that: “This is how all …

15 de Mayo – V Domingo de Pascua

- May 13th, 2022

La columna de esta semana esta escrita por el Padre Omar Ayubi. Querida Familia:  En el evangelio de hoy el Señor nos da una responsabilidad enorme. Nos da un mandamiento nuevo, como lo hizo con sus discípulos durante la Última Cena: “Ámense los unos a los otros”. Adicionalmente, Jesús añadió una cosa importante justo después …

Spring Confirmation Mass

- May 11th, 2022

This Wednesday, May 18th, Archbishop Wenski will be coming to the parish to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation upon our 48 Candidates from the Parish Religious Ed and Adult RCIA Programs. Congratulations to all our Candidates!!

Church of the Little Flower

Havana Nights

- May 5th, 2022