April 10th – Palm Sunday

- April 7th, 2022

My Dear Friends: Holy Week is here! The most important week of the year. And so I present you with a very simple question: how do you intend to spend this week? We cannot go about the activities of the next seven days as if it were just another week. The events of Holy Week …

3 de Abril – V Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 31st, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: Dado que la Semana Santa está a una semana de distancia y comenzamos a apresurarnos hacia la Pascua, quería ofrecerles extractos y reflexiones sobre mi homilía de la semana pasada sobre El Hijo Pródigo. Esta es una parábola tan atemporal que continúa conmoviéndonos como seguramente conmovió a aquellos que la escucharon de …

April 3rd – V Sunday of Lent

- March 31st, 2022

My Dear Friends: Since Holy Week is now a week away and we start to hasten towards Easter, I wanted to offer you excerpts and reflection on my homily last week on The Prodigal Son. This is such a timeless parable that continues to move us as it surely moved those who heard it from …

Pope Francis’ Prayer of Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

- March 23rd, 2022

Click on the images to enlarge.

March 27th – IV Sunday of Lent

- March 23rd, 2022

My Dear Friends:         On March 15, Archbishop Wenski promulgated a letter that I would like to share with you today. In it he ends the dispensation that has been in place since the pandemic began and restores the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. The letter starts off with a quote from the Catechism of …

27 de Marzo – IV Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 23rd, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: El 15 de marzo, el arzobispo Wenski promulgó una carta que me gustaría compartir con ustedes hoy. En ella él pone fin a la dispensa que ha estado vigente desde que comenzó la pandemia y restablece la obligación de asistir a la misa dominical. La carta comienza con una cita del Catecismo …

Free Concert: Ancient Arias from the New World

- March 22nd, 2022

Free Concert to be performed by Encantus. Sunday, March 27th at 7pm.
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March 20th – III Sunday of Lent

- March 17th, 2022

“In the name of God, I ask: Stop this massacre,”  With those words last Sunday, Pope Francis appealed for an end to the war in Ukraine. That war has been weighing down on us the last few weeks. We have felt sorrow or anger or even helpless as we see a people suffer so much. …

20 de Marzo – III Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 17th, 2022

“En el nombre de Dios, pido: Detengan esta masacre”  Con esas palabras el domingo pasado, el Papa Francisco pidió el fin de la guerra en Ucrania. Esa guerra nos ha estado pesando las últimas semanas. Hemos sentido tristeza o ira o incluso impotencia al ver a un pueblo sufrir tanto. Después de recitar el Ángelus …