Thank You Message from Adam Cahill

- July 30th, 2021

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his love is everlasting.” – Psalm 118 Dear Church of the Little Flower Family: I would like to give thanks to God for my wonderful stay at the parish this summer. Your prayers and encouragement have been a tremendous blessing. A heartfelt thanks to Fr. Manny, …

August 1st – XVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- July 30th, 2021

Dear family: In today’s Gospel reading we have heard the greatest and most wonderful invitation humanity has ever received: “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst” (John 6:35). This is an invitation to come to the Lord and believe in him. …

Church Envelopes and Online Giving

- July 22nd, 2021

Using Your Church Envelopes Once you’ve been added to the database, you will be included in the bi-monthly mailing of offertory envelopes, which will be pre-printed with your name, address, and parishioner/envelope number. Be sure to bring these envelopes to Mass each weekend to place in the collection basket. Weekly donations made via your envelope …

25 de Julio – XVII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- July 22nd, 2021

Querida familia: El salmo de hoy nos dice, “Abre tú la mano Señor y nos sacias de favores”, y san Pablo nos insta a llevar una vida digna del llamamiento que hemos recibido, y dice, “Sean siempre humildes y amables; sean siempre compresivos y sopórtense mutuamente con amor; esfuércense en mantenerse unidos en el Espíritu …

July 25th – XVII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- July 22nd, 2021

Dear family: Today’s Responsorial Psalm is reminding us that, “The hands of the Lord feed us; he answers all our needs,” and St. Paul is urging us to live in a matter worthy of the call we have received, and he says, “with humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving …

18 de Julio – XIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- July 16th, 2021

Mi querida familia parroquial:  El Salmo 23 es muy familiar para muchos de nosotros. Quizás sea demasiado familiar; lo sabemos de memoria, pero casi nunca pensamos en él. Todo el Salmo es una declaración de lo que significa ser hijos de Dios, o la oveja que pertenece al pastor. Es un salmo de lo que realmente significa estar vivo. …

July 18th – XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- July 16th, 2021

My dear parish family: Psalm 23 is very familiar to many of us. Perhaps it is too familiar; we know it by heart, so we hardly think about it. The entire Psalm is a declaration of what it means to be God’s children – or the sheep belonging to the shepherd. It is a Psalm …

11 de Julio – XV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- July 9th, 2021

El Padre Juan Sosa es párroco de la Iglesia St. Joseph en Miami Beach, la parroquia católica más cercana a las parcialmente colapsadas Champlain Towers South en Surfside. Desde el colapso del 24 de junio, ha dado docenas de entrevistas a los medios de comunicación y ha visitado el centro donde las familias esperan noticias sobre sus seres queridos. Escribió este 29 de junio porque, …

July 11th – XV Sunday in Ordinary Time

- July 9th, 2021

Father Juan Sosa is pastor of St. Joseph Church, Miami Beach, the Catholic parish closest to the partially collapsed Champlain Towers South in Surfside. Since the collapse June 24, he has given dozens of interviews to the news media and visited the center where families await word on their loved ones. He wrote this June 29 …