July 12th – XV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - July 9th, 2020

My dear friends,  This weekend we welcome Father Matthew Gomez, the Archdiocesan Director of Vocations who will be preaching at some Masses about vocations to the priesthood. This is a mission that is very near and dear to my heart because I served as Vocations Director from 2006-2009. As Catholics, we should always be praying for vocations …

July 5th – XIV Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Pastor’s Desk - July 2nd, 2020

My dear friends,  Happy 4th of July Weekend! While it is a most unusual Independence Day without fireworks and parades because of the pandemic, we still celebrate our nation and the freedoms we enjoy. The work of this great project called America that our founding fathers began almost two and half centuries ago is still ongoing. Much like our lives of …

Pen on Paper

Farewell Message from Fr. Flores

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 28th, 2020

My dear friends, It is with a heavy but grateful heart that I write this letter to you. After three very joyous and rewarding years serving this community, the Archbishop has given me a new assignment. I want to thank each and everyone of you for the kindness and love you have shown me during …

Religious Freedom Week Logo

June 28th – Statement from Archbishop Wenski

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 24th, 2020

This statement was printed in the bulletin for the weekend of June 28th, in lieu of a Pastor’s Message. Archbishop Thomas Wenski published the following statement June 22, 2020, in his capacity as acting chair of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Religious Liberty. The statement coincides with the annual observance of Religious Freedom Week, June 22-29.  …

June 21st – Father’s Day

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 12th, 2020

My Dear Friends, The day after we closed the church due to the pandemic back in March, the Church celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph. On this Father’s Day, we turn to St. Joseph because he is not only the patron of fathers, but he is also the patron of the Church: a just and strong man …

Blessed Sacrament in a Monstrance

June 14th – Corpus Christi

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 10th, 2020

My dear friends,  One year ago tomorrow, I arrived at Little Flower. To say it has been an eventful year would be quite the understatement. Little did any of us know that we would be confronting a history defining pandemic during this past year. Yet, here we are, and even though we still haven’t returned to what we used to …

June 7th – The Most Holy Trinity

From the Pastor’s Desk - June 5th, 2020

My Dear Friends, Our first Sunday back together is officially in the books. It was so wonderful to have our church filled with people once again. I use the term filled loosely because we really couldn’t be filled because of social distancing. Yes, I know some of these restrictions are frustrating, but as many parishioners …