Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

- December 3rd, 2022

Holy Day of Obligation Wednesday, December 7th Vigilia en Español — 5:30pm Thursday, December 8th English Masses — 6:15am, 8:00am, 7:00pm Misa en Español — 5:30pm

4 de Diciembre – II Domingo del Adviento

- December 2nd, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  ¿Recuerdan esas Navidades cuando eran niños y no recibían el regalo que querían? Siguieron abriendo regalo tras regalo buscando ese regalo que querían por encima de todo lo demás. Pero, por desgracia, no estaba debajo del árbol. Sonrieron a medias jugando con los juguetes que recibieron, pero les decepcionó porque acababan de …

December 4th – II Sunday of Advent

- December 2nd, 2022

My Dear Friends, Remember those Christmases when you were a child when you didn’t get the gift you wanted? You kept opening present after present looking for that one gift that you wanted above everything else. But alas, it was not under the tree. You smiled half-heartedly playing with the toys that you received but were …

27 de Noviembre – I Domingo del Adviento

- November 22nd, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  “Sin silencio, Dios desaparece en el ruido. Y este ruido se vuelve aun mas obsesivo porque Dios esta ausente. A menos que el mundo redescubra el silencio, se pierde.  La tierra entonces se precipita hacia la nada.” –Cardenal Robert Sarah  Silencio. Comienza el tiempo de Adviento y el silencio nos saluda. Es …

November 27th – I Sunday of Advent

- November 22nd, 2022

My Dear Friends, “Without silence, God disappears in the noise. And this noise becomes all the more obsessive because God is absent. Unless the world rediscovers silence, it is lost. The earth then rushes into nothingness” —Cardinal Robert Sarah  Silence. The season of Advent begins and silence greets us. It is a welcoming silence. One …

Updates Coming to Our Envelope System for 2023

- November 18th, 2022

My dear friends, As we approach the end of the calendar year, we are processing our offertory collection envelopes for 2023. Here’s the thing: we send out, through a service, over 3,400 envelopes to all our parishioners every year, BUT, on average, less than 300 envelopes are used on Sundays during the offertory. Some also …

2022 Nativity Scene Blessing

- November 18th, 2022

Join us on Monday, November 28th at 7:30pm for the annual Outdoor Nativity Scene Blessing. This year’s ceremony will be extra special as we unveil the freshly re-painted figures of the nativity set, which stands as a beautiful reminder to always keep Christ at the center of Christmas. A light social reception will follow immediately afterwards …

20 de Noviembre – Solemnidad de Cristo Rey

- November 18th, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  Hoy cerramos nuestro año litúrgico con la solemnidad de Cristo Rey. La pregunta principal que siempre hago a los fieles en este día es esta: “¿Reina Cristo en tu corazón?” No en una parte, no en ciertos días de la semana, pero ¿reina completamente en tu corazón, en tu vida, en tu …

November 20th – Solemnity of Christ the King

- November 18th, 2022

My Dear Friends, Today we bring our liturgical year to a close with the Solemnity of Christ the King. The primary question I always ask the faithful on this day is this: “Does Christ reign in your heart?” Not part of it, not on certain days of the week, but does he completely reign in …