4 de Septiembre – XXIII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- September 2nd, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos, Porque, ¿Qué hombre conoce los planes de Dios? ¿Quién puede imaginar lo que el Señor quiere? (Sabiduría 9:13)  Esta pregunta inicial de la primera lectura de hoy es una pregunta perfecta para que reflexionemos durante este fin de semana largo. Discernir la voluntad de Dios en nuestra vida es la esencia de …

September 4th – XXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 2nd, 2022

My Dear Friends, Who can know God’s counsel, or who can conceive what the LORD intends? (Wisdom 9:13) This opening question from today’s first reading is a perfect question for us to ponder during this long weekend. Discerning God’s will in our life is the essence of the spiritual life. What does God have planned …

Little Flower Children’s Choir

- August 26th, 2022

Church of the Little Flower invites all students in grades 2*-8 to participate in the Little Flower Children’s Choir! Rehearsals will take place on Wednesdays from 3-4pm before CCD classes. We will walk your child to CCD after rehearsal!  Families are permitted to register for individual sessions to allow for flexibility. Fall Rehearsal and Mass …

COTLF Concert Series

- August 24th, 2022

Welcoming Seraphic Fire for the 2022-2023 Season! The Little Flower Concert Series is thrilled to welcome Seraphic Fire as they celebrate their 20th anniversary with a season of extraordinary artistry. There is something for everyone in their concert programs and we hope you will join us right here at COTLF as they celebrate the accomplishments …

28 de Agosto – XXII Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- August 24th, 2022

Mis queridos amigos,  La escuela ha comenzado, y tuvimos una primera semana maravillosa al otro lado de la calle en Santa Teresa, y sé que muchos de nuestros jóvenes feligreses tuvieron primeras semanas maravillosas también en sus respectivas escuelas. Ahora que han comenzado las clases, los padres sin duda están inscribiendo a sus hijos en …

August 28th – XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 24th, 2022

My dear friends,  School has started, and we had a wonderful first week across the street at St. Theresa, and I know many of our young parishioners had wonderful first weeks at their respective schools. Now that classes have begun, parents are no doubt registering their children in all types of interesting activities like sports …

21 de Agosto – XXI Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario

- August 19th, 2022

Estamos muy bendecidos aquí en nuestra parroquia. Cuando la escuela comenzó la semana pasada, no tuvimos que preocuparnos por si los niños que caminaban por nuestros pasillos venían con hambre porque sus padres no podían pagar la comida o si se fueran a la casa a una vivienda de calidad inferior. Esta es una de …

August 21 – XXI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- August 19th, 2022

My dear friends, We are so blessed here in our parish. As school started this past week, we did not have to worry about whether the kids walking through our hallways came to us hungry because their parents couldn’t afford food or if they would go home to sub-standard housing. This is one of the …

World Men’s Rosary

- August 11th, 2022

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Religious Brothers and Priests and the Men Apostles of the Two Hearts invite all men to the World Men’s Rosary, Saturday, August 20th at 9am at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
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