8 de Mayo – IV Domingo de Pascua

- May 5th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: ¡Feliz Día de las Madres a todas nuestras madres!  Es justo que celebremos este día durante el Mes de María. Recurrimos a su protección materna durante estos tiempos difíciles en los que todos necesitamos el abrazo maternal de nuestra Santísima Madre mientras vagamos por este valle de lágrimas. La razón por la …

May 8th – IV Sunday of Easter

- May 5th, 2022

My Dear Friends: Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers! It is only right that we celebrate this day during the Month of Mary. We turn to her maternal protection during these trying times when we all need the maternal embrace of our Blessed Mother as we wander through this vale of tears. The reason …

May Outdoor Candlelight Rosary

- April 29th, 2022

Join us at 7:00pm next Monday, May 9th, as we celebrate Mother’s Day and this Marian month of May by turning in prayer to our Heavenly Mother at the Bi-Annual Outdoor Candlelight Rosary at the Priest Rectory House Yard/Grotto.

Amor En Accion Art Auction

- April 29th, 2022

Fr. Manny’s 20th Anniversary Mass

- April 29th, 2022

On Wednesday, May 11th, Fr. Manny will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood with a special Mass at 7:30pm here at Church of the Little Flower. Please join him in giving thanks to God for the gift of his priesthood and ministry! Fr. Manny kindly requests only your prayers in …

1 de Mayo – III Domingo de Pascua

- April 28th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: ¡Hoy la liturgia nos presenta con una de mis escenas evangélicas favoritas: Jesús resucitado apareciendo a los discípulos en la orilla del Mar de Galilea. ¿Por qué estaba Jesús esperando a los discípulos en la orilla? San Gregorio Magno ofrece una explicación: Podemos preguntarnos por qué, después de la resurrección de Jesús, …

May 1st – III Sunday of Easter

- April 28th, 2022

My Dear Friends: Today the liturgy presents us with one of my favorite gospel scenes: the Risen Jesus appearing to the disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Why was Jesus waiting for the disciples on the shore? St. Gregory the Great offers an explanation: We may ask why, after Jesus’ Resurrection, he …

COTLF Homeless Ministry Mother’s Day Shoe Drive

- April 21st, 2022

In the month of May, the COTLF Homeless Ministry will be hosting its annual Mother’s Day Shoe Drive to benefit the mothers and children who are served at the Miami Rescue Mission. For more details about how to contribute to the Shoe Drive, please contact Joe Lluhi at lluhij@gmail.com

24 de Abril – Domingo de La Divina Misericordia

- April 21st, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: ¡Feliz Domingo de la Divina Misericordia! ¡Qué Semana Santa y Pascua de Resurrección tan hermosa acabamos de tener! Les agradecemos a todos ustedes por su participación orando en los días más santos del año. Nuestra iglesia estaba llena (realmente llena), nuestras líneas para la confesión eran largas, la música era divina, y …