2nd Collection – Catholic Relief Services

- March 16th, 2022

Next weekend (March 26 and 27) we will be taking up the National Second Collection in support of Catholic Relief Services. The Catholic Relief Services Collection is an opportunity for you to help improve the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world and here in the United States. Your support funds organizations dedicated …

COTLF Ministry Drive-Thru BBQ

- March 11th, 2022

Proceeds will support the COTLF Homeless and COTLF MFR Ministries, which help the Homeless and our Military, Veterans & First Responders. Order your meals before the March 23rd Deadline!
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13 de Marzo – II Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 11th, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: La semana pasada escribí mi columna del boletín dos días antes del Miércoles de Ceniza. Nada podría haber preparado a mis hermanos sacerdotes y a mí para el número abrumador de personas que asistieron a misa ese día. Casi todas las misas estaban llenas a su capacidad, y la misa en español …

March 13th – II Sunday of Lent

- March 11th, 2022

My Dear Friends: Last week I wrote my bulletin column two days before Ash Wednesday. Nothing could have prepared my brother priests and I for the overwhelming number of people that attended Mass that day. Almost every Mass was full to capacity, and the 5:30pm Spanish Mass looked like Easter Sunday Mass. Yes, after two …

Synod Surveys for Youth and Young Adults

- March 5th, 2022

The Archdiocese of Miami is taking part in the XVI Synod of Bishops, which Pope Francis opened in October 2021. As part of the Synod, Archbishop Wenski is asking for your opinions. Please answer the questions in the survey that applies to your age group. Surveys will remain active until April 15, 2022. All of …

5th Annual Archdiocese of Miami Pilgrimage to Lourdes

- March 4th, 2022

This pilgrimage is for everyone seeking healing: of body, mind, or spirit. It is for those who would like to serve our sick and suffering brothers and sisters at the Sanctuary, inclding those who would like to serve with the Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes.
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6 de Marzo – I Domingo de Cuaresma

- March 3rd, 2022

Mis Queridos Amigos: Al comenzar la temporada de Cuaresma, nuestros corazones están obviamente pesados con los eventos que ocurren en Ucrania. El Miércoles de Ceniza, todos nos pasamos el día en ayuno y oración para implorar a nuestro Señor, el Príncipe de Paz, que restaure la paz y la estabilidad en esa región. Hemos sido …

March 6th – I Sunday of Lent

- March 3rd, 2022

My Dear Friends: As we begin the season of Lent, our hearts are obviously heavy with the events transpiring in Ukraine. On Ash Wednesday, we all spent the day in fasting and prayer to implore our Lord, the Prince of Peace, to restore peace and stability to that region. We have been edified by the …

Boy Scouts Car Wash & Cafecito

- February 25th, 2022

Saturday, March 5, 2022 8:00am – 12:00pm Entrance on Indian Mound Trail at the STS Black Top $10 per Car or $15 per SUV/Truck Help St. Theresa BOY SCOUT Pack & Troop 16 acquire some much needed Camping Equipment. Donations graciously accepted, too! Contact: stspack16@gmail.com A portion of the proceeds will benefit St. Theresa School.