January 2nd – The Epiphany of the Lord

- December 30th, 2021

My dear friends,  Happy New ! And Happy Epiphany! (Ok. Let’s try this again.)  For many, the last two years have felt like we have been in a kind of stasis. We haven’t tried new things or gone on any bold adventures because of COVID. While as a parish we started emerging from ministerial hibernation last year, there is still so …

26 de Diciembre – Solemnidad de la Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Maria, y Jose

- December 23rd, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, ¡Feliz Navidad! Damos la bienvenida a aquellos que están visitando nuestra hermosa iglesia este fin de semana de Navidad. Oramos para que encuentren aquí el calor, la paz y la presencia del Niño Jesús nacido en Belén hace más de dos mil años.   En los días previos a esta Fiesta de nuestra Redención, …

December 26th – Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

- December 23rd, 2021

My Dear Friends, Merry Christmas! We welcome those who are visiting our beautiful church this Christmas weekend. We pray that you will find here the warmth, the peace, and the presence of the Christ Child born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago.  In the days leading up to this Feast of our Redemption, our Carmelite Sisters …

Men’s Silent Retreat – Jan 28-30

- December 16th, 2021

Based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. January 28-30. Casa San Carlos Retreat Center (Delray Beach).
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December 19 – IV Sunday of Advent

- December 16th, 2021

My Dear Friends: There’s a word that should jump out at all of us as we read/listen to today’s readings: the word “small.” Today we gather on this last Sunday of Advent to celebrate, to rejoice in, and to remember that salvation came from a small town and from a small human being who also …

19 de Diciembre – IV Domingo del Adviento

- December 16th, 2021

Hay una palabra que debería llamarnos la atención a todos mientras leemos / escuchamos las lecturas de hoy: la palabra “pequeño”. Hoy nos reunimos en este último domingo de Adviento para celebrar, regocijarnos y recordar que la salvación vino de un pequeño pueblo y de un pequeño ser humano que también resultó ser Dios. Esa …

Holiday Office Closures

- December 9th, 2021

With Christmas and New Year’s falling on a Saturday this year, please note the following schedule during which the Parish Office will be closed: Wednesday, December 22nd — Office to close early at 12:30pm Friday, December 24th — Office Closed (Christmas Eve) Monday, December 27th — Office Closed (Christmas Observed) Friday, December 31st — Office …

December 12th – III Sunday of Advent

- December 9th, 2021

My Dear Friends, Pure joy! On the opening night of the fair last weekend, after going through a lockdown and a pandemic that we’re still going though and all the obstacles we underwent to get to that point, I stood by myself near one of the rides just observing the pure joy on the faces …

12 de Diciembre – III Domingo del Adviento

- December 9th, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, ¡Pura alegría! En la noche de apertura de la feria el pasado fin de semana, después de pasar por un confinamiento y una pandemia que todavía estamos atravesando y todos los obstáculos que sufrimos para llegar a ese punto, me paré solo cerca de una de las atracciones solo observando la pura …