XXVIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- October 7th, 2021

Mis Queridos Feligreses, Hoy nos reunimos como comunidad parroquial, para celebrar la grandeza de nuestra patrona, Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús de la Santa Faz. Ella vivió el evangelio que acabamos de escuchar proclamar: “El que se humilla como este niño es el más grande en el Reino de los Cielos”. Nos reunimos para celebrar …

XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time

- October 7th, 2021

My Dear Parish Family: Today we gather as a parish community, to celebrate the greatness of our patroness, St. Therese of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face. She lived the gospel that we have just heard proclaim: “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” We gather to …

October 3rd – Celebrating 95 Years!!

- September 30th, 2021

My dear parishioners, Happy 95th Anniversary! What a milestone for our beloved parish! Today we gather to celebrate our patroness, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face: the Little Flower. We thank Archbishop Wenski for allowing us to celebrate our patronal feast on this Sunday. This 95th Anniversary celebration is important because …

3 de Octubre – ¡Celebrando 95 Años!

- September 30th, 2021

Mis queridos feligreses, ¡Feliz 95 Aniversario! ¡Qué logro importante para nuestra querida parroquia! Hoy nos reunimos para celebrar a nuestra patrona, Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús y la Santa Faz: la Pequeña Flor. Agradecemos al arzobispo Wenski por permitirnos celebrar nuestra fiesta patronal este domingo. Esta celebración del 95 aniversario es importante porque nos pone …

Teen Volunteers Needed

- September 29th, 2021

Earn your service hours while helping out the parish and our community! We are looking for a small team of teen volunteers to help us with the Mass Livestream Camera Controls of our Sunday Masses. Volunteers will be scheduled on rotating weekends to manage the Livestream of both the 10:30am and 12:30pm (Spanish) Mass. If …

Office to Close on Tuesday Afternoon

- September 29th, 2021

This Tuesday, October 5th, as part of our celebration of our 95th Anniversary, the Parish Office will close early at 1pm. The St Joseph Adoration Chapel will remain open, with the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as usual, until 4:30pm. Adorers may access the Chapel through the coded entryway on Sevilla Avenue.

Church of the Little Flower

Respect Life Cuban Lunch Fundraiser

- September 29th, 2021

26 de Septiembre – XXVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

- September 23rd, 2021

Mis Queridos Amigos, Este próximo viernes 1 de octubre, celebramos la fiesta de Santa Teresa del Niño Jesús, la Pequeña Flor; ¡nuestra fiesta patronal! El próximo mes también celebramos el 95 aniversario de nuestra parroquia. En octubre del 1926, Monseñor Thomas Comber tomó posesión de la Iglesia de Santa Teresa como su párroco fundador. Para …

September 26th – XXVI Sunday in Ordinary Time

- September 23rd, 2021

My Dear Friends, This coming Friday, October 1, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower; our patronal feast! Next month we also celebrate our parish’s 95th Anniversary. Back in October 1926, Monsignor Thomas Comber took possession of Church of the Little Flower as its founding pastor. In …